
满足圣. 卢克的 New Faculty and Staff

Photo From Left to Right, Staggered: 莎莉·罗斯·扎克特15岁, 艾琳Hupal, 玛吉时, 凯特“切瑞蒂, 萨曼莎Mongardi, 伊丽莎白•霍华德, Alex Robertson '13, Olivea麻醉品, 菲尔·考克斯, Laurel Scarozza (joined St. 卢克的 during the 2020-2021 school year), 马特·古德曼, 阿什利Gangi-Petit, 劳伦Malesky, 瑞恩•科尔, 汉娜Gousse, 珍妮特·汤普森, 杰西卡·道林. (Not pictured: Dimitra Skroubelos)

本周,在2021-2022学年的第一次教职员工会议上,学校校长马克·戴维斯介绍了新的教职员工. Davis shared these remarks about each of the newcomers to the Hilltop:

麦琪加入圣. 卢克的 as the 上学校 Chemistry Fellow. 她曾在巴纳德学院化学系担任教学和课程开发助理, where she graduated with a degree in environmental science. 麦琪也是一名农民,她喜欢远足、烘焙和阅读. 


凯特来到圣. 卢克来自罗利, 北卡罗莱纳, where she lived and worked at a boarding school, teaching math and science. She has been teaching on the East Coast for the past 10 years, 尽管她在西海岸开始了自己的教学生涯,并在南加州抚养了两个儿子. 她当过田径教练 & 在她的职业生涯中,田径,越野和篮球,她很高兴能在圣. 卢克的.

Phil has returned to St. 卢克是我们中学历史系的主席他在恩格尔伍德的伊丽莎白·莫罗学校待了两年, 新泽西. 伊丽莎白·莫罗之前, 菲尔在山顶上代替艾比·阿博特在高中历史系休家事假. 菲尔从他在私立学校的经历中带来了一套瑞士军刀工具. In addition to being a classroom teacher, he has worked in development, 招生, and division leadership positions, but he’s felt most fulfilled teaching and coaching. He lives in Pound Ridge with his wife, 杰西, and their two children – Theo, 谁是5 ?, 和艾莉, 谁是2 ?. 菲尔喜欢打网球。, 高尔夫球, 划船, family walks through Pound Ridge Reservation, and raising his kids as supporters of Bayern Munich soccer club.

杰西卡来到圣. 卢克的 from Amistad Academy in New Haven, where she taught middle school art, just as she will do here. In addition to teaching art, 她保持着活跃的工作室实践,并定期展出她的混合媒体作品. Jessica lives in Norwalk with her husband, Alex, and their three beagles. 在她的业余时间, she enjoys 园艺, 徒步旅行, and baking.

Ashley will teach 上学校 English, and comes to us from the University of Connecticut, where she taught first year writing as a graduate instructor for six years. 在此之前,她曾在哈特福德的格雷斯学院担任美国服务队的教员. 阿什利和她的丈夫扎克以及他们可爱的猫埃莉诺住在诺沃克. She looks forward to defending her Ph.D. dissertation in English literature in October. 在她的业余时间, she enjoys 运行, knitting, and, of course, reading!

Matt加入了designLab的教职员工,他来自圣路易斯市的John Burroughs学校. Louis, where he was a teaching fellow in the industrial technology department. He studied industrial and interaction design at Syracuse University, after g划船 up in Needham, 麻萨诸塞州. In his free time, Matt likes to play guitar and drums and to ride his bike.

Hannah will teach biology in the 上学校. She comes to us from Kent School, 在康涅狄格, where she was an ecology and biology teacher, 120个男生宿舍的负责人, girls varsity softball coach, and fierce DEI advocate for four years. 在肯特之前,汉娜在纽约州新罗谢尔的乌尔苏拉学校教了一年书. 汉娜最近和她的未婚夫埃里克、金嘟嘟、泰迪以及猫皮平搬到了丹伯里. 在她空闲的时候, Hannah enjoys weightlifting, 骑自行车, 徒步旅行, 园艺, and learning about and identifying plants and insects.

Elisabeth is our 上学校 Math Fellow. 她于2020年从汉密尔顿学院毕业,然后在俄勒冈州度过了疫情年. 她现在住在诺沃克,喜欢探索当地的徒步旅行和社交舞蹈. At home, Elisabeth enjoys painting, cooking, playing games, and reading.
艾琳从斯坦福德的双文化希伯来学院加入中学历史系, where she worked as a middle school history teacher for seven years. 在那之前, 她在格林威治的公立学校工作了五年,总共有14年的初中和高中历史教学经验. Erin lives in Stamford with her wife, Kaity, 四个月大的女儿, 查理, 还有两只狗, 丹芙和马蒂. 在她的业余时间,艾琳可以在垒球场上找到,旅行或单板滑雪.

Last year, Olivea was a seventh grade teacher at St. Martin Academy in New Haven. 今年,她是我们的中学英语伙伴,再次教七年级. She graduated from Bucknell University in 2020, finishing up her student teaching during the start of the pandemic. Olivea got engaged last October and has a pug named Bouggieboo. When not stressing about wedding planning, Olivea likes to snuggle up with a good book, 徒步旅行沉睡的巨人, and practice special-effects makeup. 

瑞安, who is the newest member of the 上学校 Math Department, comes from the University of Michigan, where he studied applied mathematics. 在密歇根大学学习之前,他在塔夫茨大学完成了他的本科工作. 在课堂之外,瑞安喜欢阅读,学习语言,经常去看电影.

劳伦加入St. 在过去的七年里,他在布鲁塞尔和巴黎的lyc法国Jean Monnet学校和巴黎École国际双语学校的双语课程中教授中学和高中历史、地理/人文学科. 她希望继续在双语教育方面的工作,帮助在巴黎的巴黎实验室学校开发一个高中双语课程, 法国. 她拥有加州大学圣地亚哥分校全球政策与战略学院国际关系与公共政策硕士学位.Ed. from the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College. 劳伦在不同的地方教过不同群体的学生:京都的公立学校, 日本, a boarding school in Colorado, and independent day schools and educational nonprofits in New York. 劳伦很高兴能加入SLS社区,并与她的学生和同事一起学习和成长.
Our new 中学 Art Department Chair, 萨曼莎, comes to us from The American International School of Muscat, 阿曼, where she worked as an art teacher and classroom teacher for 11 years. 她曾在坦桑尼亚和纽约教书,并在马拉维担任和平队志愿者. 在她的业余时间, 萨曼莎 can be found 徒步旅行, 运行, 烹饪素食, 练习瑜伽, 玩粘土, 或绘画. She moved here with her daughter, Sofia, 14, and son, Luca, 12. 萨曼莎很高兴能在里奇菲尔德建立一个新家,并加入St. 卢克的.

Alex Robertson '13
亚历克斯毕业于. 卢克的 in 2013, after eight years of attendance. 2018年毕业于哥伦比亚大学,获得英国文学学士学位, 亚历克斯在家乡威尔顿(Wilton)的公立学校任教,后来发现有机会回到圣. 卢克的 as an 上学校 English Teaching Fellow. Alex still lives in Wilton, 在那里,他渴望重新参与他在纽约生活时养成的文化活动, including attending screenings of old movies and indie band concerts, 以及在博物馆里一分钟一分钟地学习古代大师的画作. 亚历克斯说,他很高兴能回到把他塑造成今天这样的环境中.

Dimitra Skroubelos 
Dimitra joins us from the Easton, 整理, and Region 9 Boards of Education, where she held the role of HR, Benefits/Payroll Clerk since 2018. 在此之前,她还曾在Greenwich United Way和私营企业工作. Dimitra lives in Stamford with her 4-year-old twin daughters, 哈利克利亚和阿玛莉亚, 还有她的丈夫, 乔治阿. 在她的业余时间, she enjoys being outdoors, playing games with her daughters, or just enjoying a meal with friends on the patio. 她是斯坦福德报喜希腊东正教教堂的成员,正在努力完善她的希腊烹饪技巧.

珍妮特作为六年级的科学老师加入了中学科学系. 在过去的九年里,她一直在圣. Mary School in Ridgefield. Jeanette lives in 整理 with her husband, 克里斯, 他们的孩子, 本和伊莎贝尔, 他们的救援犬, 蕾拉, and a gargoyle gecko named Karma. 在她空闲的时候, she can be found working in her gardens, 散散步, or spending time with family.

Sally Rose is happily back at St. 作为高中历史研究员,她在芝加哥大学完成了硕士学位, 她在那里研究了女性表演历史和性别理论的交集. Since returning to Connecticut this summer, Sally Rose toured with the LawnChair 剧院 Company in their production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. 在她空闲的时候, 莎莉·罗斯(Sally Rose)阅读有关亚马逊人的书籍,喜欢通过爱德华七世时代的食谱收藏来烹饪.
St. 卢克的 School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. 我们卓越的学术和多元化的男女同校社区促进学生的智力和道德发展,为他们进入顶尖大学做准备. St. 卢克的澳门在线威尼斯官方下载建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.